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OXYMAT modular PSA N2 generators

/images/companies/haiphuong/oxymat/Phú Tín Oxymat/3.1 brass.jpg
  • Higher quality materials
  • Lower energy consumption
  • Shorter lead time
  • Longer N2 generator lifetime

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Benefits compared to previous models:

  • Higher quality materials
  • Lower energy consumption
  • Shorter lead time
  • Longer N2 generator lifetime

How did we do it:

  • Simplification – 80% less parts used in our production process
  • Automation – state-of-the-art welding and bending robots
  • Modularisation – two standard size PSA pressure vessels for all capacities

Service and maintenance: 

  • A smaller power consumption requires a smaller compressor. As a result, you will not only save on energy but also on running/service costs of the compressor. Furthermore, the stainless-steel valves have a longer lifetime than brass.